Best high school romantic love stories !

These school love stories have been taken from real life. After reading school love story, you may also remember your own school love story.

When I went to the new class, a girl came in my class. She was no less than an angel for me to see. My heart started trembling fast on seeing it.

I once thought that I should tell my friends about this but I did not have the courage. Everyone was confused and the first exam of my class came to the fore.

First love of school

When the boy sat on the seat behind the girl, this boy also went there. Both were talking a lot to each other and this boy was just silently reading his book.

This boy started studying hard. That boy became the topper of the whole class. The boys said that if you are really a topper, then you should also give the entrance paper of that school.

Now this boy did not get enough time to tell that girl. That boy bowed down before his family and studies.

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