What to do to get rid of dandruff ?

Dandruff can be treated with several shampoos. It can also be managed by following effective home remedies.

home remedies for dandruff

Mix apple vinegar and water in equal quantity and spray on your scalp. Shampoo after about 10 to 15 minutes.

The fat present in coconut oil improves the barrier function of the skin. The oil helps in hydration of the skin.

Your skin may be sensitive to tea tree oil. It is recommended to dilute the oil in a carrier such as coconut oil before use.

Aloe vera has a moisturizing effect on the skin and relieves irritation. It is also antibacterial and antifungal in nature, which can help reduce dandruff.

Gently exfoliates the scalp,relieves flaky skin,looses dry skin flakes so they can be removed by washing.

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